How to Prevent Tonsil Stones

August 18, 2021
Bad breath is among the most common complaints of children and adults. One estimate suggests that up to 30% of adults complain of having bad breath. Could tonsil stones be the culprit of bad breath and other oral health concerns? To correctly answer that, we must first identify what tonsils...
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Top signs of tooth decay

July 15, 2021
Tooth decay is one of the most common dental health problems that affect both children and adults worldwide. It is also one of the most preventable oral health problems. Good oral hygiene is a vital part of preventing tooth decay. In this article, you will learn about the various signs...
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Dental Implants: Amazing Benefits for Seniors

June 17, 2021
  Dental implants are the latest and most reliable intervention for tooth loss. They’re the next best thing to real teeth. If you need a solution that is designed to feel and function just like a natural tooth, then a dental implant is the solution you need.  Moreover, implants give...
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Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

May 21, 2021
Most of the time, we are afraid of the things that we don’t know. If your dentist advised you to have root canal therapy, you might be wondering about the level of pain you have to endure. To alleviate your dental anxiety and quench your curiosity, discover if it is...
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Can A Cracked Tooth Heal On Its Own?

April 14, 2021
If our skin and bones could heal on their own, you might be thinking, why can’t our teeth do the same. A tooth can handle up to 70 lbs. of biting force, but with certain limitations.  Discover if your cracked tooth can heal on its own and why you should...
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Tooth Sensitive To Cold: What Are The Causes & How To Safely Deal With It?

March 17, 2021
Ice cream and smoothies are a sweet way to reward yourself for a busy day until tooth sensitivity robs that opportunity. One out of eight Americans has a tooth sensitive to cold.  Dentinal hypersensitivity or tooth sensitivity is a common dental condition and anyone can have it through unhealthy habits...
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Can Cavities Spread From One Person To Another?

February 17, 2021
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, cavities are possibly one of the least things you can think of as contagious. However, cavities can also spread like the way you catch a cold. This February, we will share how cavities spread from one person to another and how you can protect your loved...
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What Does Fluoride Do In Protecting Your Teeth?

January 19, 2021
The term fluoride has always been attached to a proper oral care routine ever since we learned to brush our teeth. However, the benefits of fluoride are unknown to some patients who joined the bandwagon without learning its true potential. In this post, we’ll discuss the essential role of fluoride...
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