Can Invisalign Fix Malocclusions? Lessons From Your Locust Dentists

July 31, 2024

Patient with malocclusion in Locust, NC

Invisalign is one of the top choices many individuals consider for straight teeth. But can Invisalign fix malocclusions? The short answer is yes. In most cases, you can treat malocclusion with Invisalign in Locust, NC

Malocclusion, often called bite problems, is the misalignment of teeth and the jaw. This condition causes issues like discomfort, speech problems, and difficulty chewing. Fortunately, modern orthodontic solutions like Invisalign can address malocclusion. At Locust Family Dentistry, we understand that you want to know what malocclusions Invisalign can fix; hence, our dentists in Locust, Dr. Zeitouni and Dr. Maxhuni, are here with important lessons.

How Invisalign Fixes Malocclusion

Invisalign uses a series of custom-made, clear aligners to move your teeth into the correct position. Each set of aligners is precisely fit and worn to make slight adjustments to the position of your teeth. Here’s how it works: 

1. Overbites

The overlapping of the upper front teeth with the lower front teeth is an overbite. Invisalign for overbites can help to gradually shift the upper and lower teeth into a balanced position. 

2. Underbites

This happens when the lower front teeth protrude past the upper front teeth. Invisalign clear aligners can fix this bite problem, but severe underbites may require a combination of Invisalign for underbites and surgery.

3. Crossbites

A crossbite occurs when one or more of the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. Invisalign for crossbites can correct this problem and gradually shift teeth into the correct positions. 

4. Open Bites

When the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed, that’s an open bite. Using Invisalign for open bites can move the upper and lower teeth into a position where they can properly come together. 

5. Spacing Issues

Spacing issues are gaps between teeth that occur naturally or due to missing teeth. The gaps can be closed by gently moving teeth closer together with Invisalign for spacing issues

The Treatment Process

Full mouth reconstruction with Invisalign begins with a consultation with one of our dentists in Locust. Your teeth will be scanned to create a 3D model to design your personalized treatment plan. Your dentist will provide you with a series of aligners and determine the best duration for each. Regular checkups are necessary to monitor progress 

Benefits of Choosing Invisalign

Here are some benefits of choosing Invisalign for treating malocclusion: 

  • It is nearly invisible and has a discreet appearance.
  • Invisalign is removable and allows for easier oral hygiene.
  • Invisalign is more comfortable than most traditional braces
  • The aligners are custom-fitted to your teeth. 

Dr. Zeitouni in Locust, NC

Treat Malocclusion in Locust, NC 

If you’re dealing with bite problems, consider treating the malocclusion with Invisalign in Locust, NC. Our skilled dentists offer comprehensive treatment plans to address bite problems using Invisalign. Schedule an appointment with us today to treat malocclusion or any other dental need.