Who is an FAGD Dentist?

September 5, 2024

Patient care in Locust, NC

For a dentist to be certified and given the right to practice dentistry, they must complete dental school. After studying and fulfilling the requirements, three letters will be attached to a dentist’s name. Have you ever wondered what the letters after your dentist’s name signify? Most times, you’ll see these letters: DDS or DMD, but on rare occasions, you’ll see FAGD. DDS means Doctor of Dental Surgery, and DMD means Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry. 

Whether it is DDS or DMD, rest assured that your dentist has completed dental school. However, if you see FAGD attached to their name, it means that your dentist has a unique dental qualification that sets them apart from others. Who is an FAGD dentist in Locust, NC, and what does this mean for patients? Keep reading to find out.  

What is FAGD?

FAGD stands for Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry. This designation is awarded by the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) to dentists who have completed a rigorous set of requirements, including a significant amount of continuing education. The FAGD reflects a dentist’s commitment to lifelong learning and excellence in general dentistry.

This designation is highly regarded and awarded to some dentists; however, only about 4–5 dentists per state and 6% of general dentists in the U.S. and Canada are recognized as AGD Fellows each year.

At Locust Family Dentistry, we’re proud to inform you that Dr. Zeitouni, DDS, FAGD, FICOI, our Locust dentist, has recently acquired his FAGD and is among the few dentists who can perform superior dental procedures.

Requirements of FAGD

To earn the FAGD designation, dentists must meet several rigorous requirements, demonstrating their commitment to excellence in general dentistry. These include:

  • Complete Continuing Education: Dentists must accumulate over 500 credit hours of continuing education, with at least 350 hours completed through live courses. This advanced training covers various disciplines, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of general dentistry.
  • Pass a Comprehensive Exam: Dentists must pass a challenging examination that is as difficult as a board certification exam, testing their knowledge across all areas of general dentistry.
  • Maintain AGD Membership: To remain a fellow of the AGD, maintain your membership for continuous three years by December 31st of the year in which the application is received. Your membership shows your commitment to the organization and providing the best patient care.

These requirements are made to distinguish FAGD dentists from the rest, marking them as experts and dedicated leaders in their field.

What Distinguishes an FAGD Dentist From the Rest?

An FAGD (Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry) dentist is distinguished as a result of their commitment to their profession. They are dedicated to furthering their education, gaining more clinical excellence, and providing the best care to their patients. These dentists do not take patient care trivially; hence, they continuously apply their advanced skills and knowledge to deliver extraordinary service.

Any dentist with this professional recognition gets a mark of distinction with the dental community that shows their dedication to maintaining the highest standards of care and professionalism.

Dr. Zeitouni, DDS, FAGD, FICOI

Dr. Wael Zeitouni DDS, FAGD, FICOI in Locust, NC

Our dentist, Dr. Zeitouni, DDS, FAGF, FICOI, is now one of the few general dentists in the nation with FAGD accreditation. Being an FAGD dentist in Locust, NC, means that our patients are assured of a trusted dentist offering top-quality dental treatments and recognizes the importance of quality dental education. Now that you know “who is an FAGD dentist?” you can make an informed decision when choosing a dentist for family and general dentistry.

If you’ve been looking for a dentist who prioritizes patient care and is committed to staying abreast with recent technology, education, and techniques for the sake of his patients, Dr. Zeitouni is here. Contact us to book an appointment with our expert Locust dentist and a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry.

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