Tips to Deal with Damaged, Cracked or Painful Teeth at Home Before Calling Our Locust Dentist

September 6, 2017
Accidents happen. They come without warning. It could be a sudden freak fall that might lead to a crack on one or more of your teeth. The result: excruciating dental pain and discomfort. It happens at a time of the day or night when getting an appointment is almost an...
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Locust Dentist Shares Tips in Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

August 23, 2017
Wisdom teeth sprout through the gums during the teen years or young adulthood. Some people are not bothered much by their eruption, while others feel discomfort similar to that of young children cutting their first teeth. Although not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed, many people do when these teeth...
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How Dental Sealants Can Save Your Teeth from Pain and Decay

August 9, 2017
The teeth in the back of the mouth have a variety of recesses, fissures and pits, that help when chewing and grinding food. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to remove all of the food and plaque from these recesses. Dental sealants can help protect these teeth, keeping them from pain...
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Why & How Can You Prevent Early Tooth Decay for Your Child

July 19, 2017
Tooth decay is not a preserve of adults. This is a matter of great concern since more than 40 percent of children aged between 2 and 11 years develop cavities. This occurs when sugary deposits are left in the kids’ mouths for long. Such an environment paves way for the...
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Quick Facts from a Locust NC Dentist Regarding Dental Crowns & Restorative Dentistry

July 5, 2017
Why is it important to know about dental crowns? What is it and why is it done?  Read the following important facts and then find out what is the MOST important thing when choosing a dentist.  Facts About Your Teeth & Crowns Your teeth have natural wear with time due...
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Locust General Dentist Shares 5 Habits That Can Hurt Your Teeth

June 21, 2017
By now, you know how important it is to take good care of your oral hygiene. However, even if you brush and floss daily, you could still unknowingly be doing things that can damage your pearly whites. Here are five habits that can hurt your teeth. Using Your Teeth as...
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Locust Cosmetic Dentist Talks About 3 Different Types of Teeth Whitening Strategies

June 7, 2017
Teeth whitening is something that millions of people in the world desire to do for a variety of reasons. The most prevalent reason that people seek teeth whitening is to improve their overall appearance to feel confident while smiling and talking with others. Yellow and brown stains can get on...
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Can Dr. Wael Zeitouni, a Locust Cosmetic Dentist, Fix My Crooked Teeth?

May 24, 2017
Misaligned teeth can have negative effects on a person’s entire life. Learn which cosmetic dental procedures can help straighten your teeth and improve your life from the following information our Locust  cosmetic dentist has highlighted. If you’ve been taking steps to avoid mirrors or hide your crooked teeth from others, it might...
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