9 Helpful Tips from Our Locust Dentist to Get Rid of Bad Breath

December 19, 2017
Everyone wakes up with breath that is not fresh in the morning. This is because bacteria keep multiplying in the mouth at night and there is no continuous flow of saliva to get wash it away as is the case during waking hours. This is easily sorted out when the...
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Think You Have An Abscessed Tooth? Our Locust Dentist Shares 3 Tips to Relieve Pain

September 20, 2017
A tooth abscess is a painful infection that develops at the root of a tooth that often occurs when conditions such as cavities or gingivitis are left untreated. Anyone who has suffered from an abscessed tooth can vouch for the immense ache that accompanies the infection, and it is important...
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Tips to Deal with Damaged, Cracked or Painful Teeth at Home Before Calling Our Locust Dentist

September 6, 2017
Accidents happen. They come without warning. It could be a sudden freak fall that might lead to a crack on one or more of your teeth. The result: excruciating dental pain and discomfort. It happens at a time of the day or night when getting an appointment is almost an...
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Locust Dentist Shares Tips in Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

August 23, 2017
Wisdom teeth sprout through the gums during the teen years or young adulthood. Some people are not bothered much by their eruption, while others feel discomfort similar to that of young children cutting their first teeth. Although not everyone has their wisdom teeth removed, many people do when these teeth...
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Quick Facts from a Locust NC Dentist Regarding Dental Crowns & Restorative Dentistry

July 5, 2017
Why is it important to know about dental crowns? What is it and why is it done?  Read the following important facts and then find out what is the MOST important thing when choosing a dentist.  Facts About Your Teeth & Crowns Your teeth have natural wear with time due...
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Can Dr. Wael Zeitouni, a Locust Cosmetic Dentist, Fix My Crooked Teeth?

May 24, 2017
Misaligned teeth can have negative effects on a person’s entire life. Learn which cosmetic dental procedures can help straighten your teeth and improve your life from the following information our Locust  cosmetic dentist has highlighted. If you’ve been taking steps to avoid mirrors or hide your crooked teeth from others, it might...
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Welcome To Our New Locust Dental Website & Blog!

May 1, 2017
Thank you for stopping by to check out our brand new website and dental blog. We have built this website with our patients and potential new patients in mind to be able to easily find information about the dentistry services we provide for your whole family. Our blog will be...
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